Can Dentures in Burlington, Ontario, Impact Your Sense of Taste?

Dentures are affordable tooth replacement solutions. However, using them comes with some challenges. During the first few weeks or months of wearing partial or complete dentures, you can lose your sense of taste or eat bland food. However, this should be a serious concern. A lot of family dentists in Burlington, Ontario, will say that you could lose your sense of taste with age. Thankfully, you can still consume many different types of foods you want.
How Dentures Can Affect Your Sense of Taste
You taste foods and beverages through your tongue, which is covered by many buds. Your tongue tells you the flavor of a meal, snack, or beverage by sending signals to your brain. But other parts of your mouth, such as the hard palate, are also responsible for flavor profiling. The hard palate is lined with many gustatory cells, which are taste buds. Thus, the gustatory cells’ receptors add to the signs sent by your tongue to your brain whenever you bite foods.
The centerpieces of dentures cover the hard palate, binding your teeth together. Because of this, you may find the taste of foods unusual. This will not prevent you from tasting any food or beverage since your entire mouth supports ingestion. However, you may find the flavors stronger than they were. Thankfully, this strange experience is just temporary.
Preventing Loss of Taste Because of Dentures
To recover your normal sense of taste while wearing dentures, here are steps you can take:
- Clean the dentures properly. Dentures need to be kept clean for many reasons. Wearing dirty dentures can irritate your oral tissues, which then leads to oral health problems such as mouth sores, burning sensations, and gum infections. Ensure you clean your dentures using the cleaning agent recommended by your dentist. In addition, maintaining good oral hygiene helps eliminate the undesirable taste from the mouth and ensures you wear dentures with pleasure.
- Wear dentures that fit comfortably. Dentures are not comfortable when they do not fit properly, resulting in undesirable behavior. Also, your sense of taste can be compromised when you use too much denture glue.
- Think about getting dental implants. These days, dentures can be supported by dental implants. Implant-supported dentures do not require palatal support. Rather, they require jawbone support. Therefore, the dentures will not affect your palate or change your sense of taste. Your dentist can determine the best solution for your mouth and needs.